Tuesday, October 28, 2014


This is a link to a power point presentation I made on toes!

Favorite youtuber!

This is a video made by my favorite youtuber Phillip DeFranco!


Here's a link to the kinda odd video I made for my sinclair class


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Some of my drawings

Here's some cute little cartoon's I've drawn in the past year.

Pop ponies = best toy

Pop ponies may be my favorite toys ever, its kinda sad they weren't a thing when I was a child (or maybe it is good, I always trashed my toys then) but they are pretty great now. For those who don't know (all of you) Pop ponies are my little pony toys made of a thin plastic, you pop (hence the name pop ponies) them out of a frame and put them together with different parts. To put it simply its a pony version of mister potato head. Anywho some new ones came out so here is a link!


Also here is a basic set of them


The hype is real

Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire come out next month! I've been waiting for half a year and the hype is intense! (≧◡≦)

Clear gif

Here's a pretty cute gif of Clear from one of my shows. The last episode was pretty sad , but the show is still fabulous!


Hi there! I'm Maddie, I'm into all sorts of stuff like ponies, anime, drawing, video games, and competitive tennis! I'm a senior in high school which so far is pretty great, I cant wait to take on campus classes at Sinclair in the next year. I plan to become a kindergarten teacher so i have a few years of school before my dream is met, but I'm willing to put in my all to make it happen! I'll probably end up posting about my interests listed above so thanks for reading!